I said I was going to be better about blogging, and then I went and got myself a life and that flew out the window.
Let's do some updating, shall we?
What I'm Up To:
I work about 45-50 hours a week, and also wait tables on weekends at my brother's restaurant, so I'd say I work about 60-70 hours a week most weeks.
Oh, and my work approved me to enroll in graduate school, so starting January, I will be taking online courses to get my MS. Woohoo!
I am pretty sure that once I start up with grad school, waiting tables will have to go. Obviously I can't quit my full-time job, and I need to keep my health/fitness as a priority, so waiting tables is the only thing I can get rid of. It'll suck because the money and environment is so much fun, but my brother absolutely understands and is supportive of me getting more education, especially on my company's dime.
I go out with my friends usually at least once a week, and go on a date at least once a week (I have someone I am seeing but we haven't had THAT TALK yet, but it's no biggie. We're just enjoying each other's company and so yeah.)
Working Out
I did The Color Run in Baltimore this past Sunday with four of my best friends and it was the most fun I have had in a long, long time. They are amazing, especially my friend Beth who RAN THE ENTIRE THING. This is the woman who told me less than a year ago that she a) DOES NOT RUN and b) does NOT wear white in public. Then she started C25K a few months ago and I asked her to join the race again, and BAM. Her first 5K, and she rocked it. We are doing another one together in December, and I'm hopefully going to do an 8K with Holly the weekend after that.
Other than that, I am struggling with my workouts. The time change has really messed me up. I love to run outside. But with working 9-10 hour days, it's dark by the time I get out of work, unless I start showing up at work at 6am, and that is just NOT gonna happen.
So my options are to use the treadmill in my company's gym, which I have done a few times, but it is SO BORING. And the TV there only plays Fox News and you can't change the channel. I know. Ridiculous. I HATE the treadmill, ugh.
I could attempt to run outside at night, but that feels massively unsafe to me. The only well-lit areas that I am really aware of are not in the safest of areas. I may try running the local college campus, but again, I am concerned about safety. Do you have any night-running safety tips I can use? I wouldn't be running on a road, just on the campus, but still...
I've been taking Zumba classes when I can, but that doesn't always work scheduling wise, and the place I go is REALLY crowded sometimes and it's hard to concentrate on getting a good workout when you are trying not to smack the person next to you in the head.
And last but not least.... I won the giveaway on It's A Dog Lick Baby World for a free entry to any Spartan Race. I know, what the heck was I thinking? But I am going to attempt to do it, I just have no idea where to start. I have zero upper body strength. HELP.
My eating has not been that great. I could make excuses left, right, and center, but really, I have just been lazy. I'm struggling with binging again because of stress, but I am trying to fight it. Luckily, I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost in awhile either. I'm holding steady at 202-205. I had hoped to be under 200 by Thanksgiving, but my discipline has just flown out the window.
I'm determined to enjoy myself in moderation during the holidays and have given myself a five-pound buffer. Come January, I'm going back to tracking and scheduling workouts, hopefully establishing a training schedule in order to prepare for the Spartan race.
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