But I have an excuse! I've been getting a life! Seriously. I am in such a great place right now: great friends, happy with my job, and even dipping my toes into the dating pool, which has been surprisingly way more successful than I ever anticipated (or maybe I don't have very high expectations?).
Right now, unfortunately I have caught the Death Plague Cold (TM). Of course, I am heading to DC tonight to see some of my fabulous friends that I haven't seen since January, so this will be wonderful. I can't wait.
Other things I've been doing...
Getting Thai food with the fabulous Heidi.
Drinking tea and hanging with my best girl on a sick day from work (while looking at The Daily Corgi, because corgis = awesome)
Trying to sell crap like this on Craigslist (can't imagine why no one wants it...)
Hitting up the Greek food festival with friends Joe, Anthony, and Heidi.
Taking Bella for frozen yogurt.
Trying to figure out what the hell to do with eight pattypan squash.
Going to the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire.
Taking pictures of bacon
Working at my brother's restaurant
Eating pumpkin funnel cake
Taking pictures of the last place I ran. I've really been slacking on that, and um, my first 5K is in oh, a week? Crap. Anyone have any good tips on how to be prepared to run a 5K when I haven't run in two weeks and am getting over a cold?